Friday, September 01, 2006

Denver over, begin Montreal

So here I am in beautiful Montreal - Yes, despite being spoiled rotten by the Tarlies, Carol Lyons and Jeremy, I had to move on. But not before some more Denver news.
Carol invited me to a party she was holding at her home for her environmentalists and that was fun, especially because she gave us all name tags and I didnt have to make a fool of myself forgetting people all the time. Then Berne took me to Red Rock amphitheatre, amazing - that night at a rock concert some drunk fell and killed himself - I hope I'm not a jinx.

Then it was off to Yves house in the mountains, it was fantastic - I cant describe it, eventually I will send photos, please be patient.

Saturday night was family night, dinner with Berne Aunsch, Carol and Eves. If you can make it to Denver - Do. They are great.

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